Friday, March 5, 2010


So I’m already in week 8 of my semester 4 in IMU. The workload just keep on increasing, hours of staying in lecturers never stop rising, eating up your energy slowly day by day…

I remember being so motivated at the beginning of this semester. But now, look at me. I’m barely alive when it’s time for the second last lecture of the day (almost everyday), trying my very best not to doze off or wonder into my little happy wonderland during class. I seriously think I need to herbal remedy to boost my energy.

Seeing my other classmates so damn hardworking really freaks me out. I try to do my revision everyday. But most of the time I’ll be dead like a zombie when I reach home. My brain stopped working and my mind just don’t want to do anything with studies anymore.


Oh boy Marcus, seeing him in class is already stressful. Seeing him posting this on facebook is just… speechless. =.=

My table is getting messier as days past.. My room as well.. My portfolios are waiting for me to be completed.

But still, why am I still here, writing this blog? Why couldn't I be bothered with those stuffs that I am supposed to do?

Anyway, I’m loving my Malaysian studies class. Guess what we made today? Bunga telur. It’s traditionally given in malay weddings as door gifts and we are supposed to make one each, and hand it over so that they will be given to guests as door gifts as well for the performance next month.

But NO WAY I'm giving my lovely flower away! I sneaked out of class, together with Ru Yi’s special bunga and mine even before the class ends just to keep the flowers. =) Ru Yi asked me to keep hers as well. Haha!





Ru Yi’s.

I should have taken melvin’s rose. It was really creative and it turned out like a grand fountain with fence around. Haha.. Liked it!


Cheng Yee said...
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